Author: Richard Holt

A short film based on the theme of ‘Our Place’ created and performed by young Ukrainian people living in the Taunton area of Somerset. The film was co-produced by CICCIC, Somerset Youth Theatre, Go Create and a local film maker, David Hughes as part of a 10-week creative arts programme for young Ukrainians, funded by SASP, Somerset Council and TYCA. The arts programme was supported by professional tutors Yana Forrester, Nataly Povazhniuk and delivered at the Arts Hub in Taunton. There is a preview evening at the CICCIC, Taunton on Tuesday 13th June 6-8pm . All art lovers welcome .…

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CICCIC helped to set up the Ukrainian Café /Gallery to promote this unique culture and cuisine in the Taunton area. Maryna and Natalie, who will be running the cafe/gallery said “It will provide a central place where the Ukrainian community can come and meet up with friends and integrate with the good people of Taunton. We also want to develop the business so it provides opportunities for people seeking employment and a centre to support the Ukraine appeal”. Richard Holt co-director of the CICCIC said at the opening event “ This shop will help promote and support the Ukrainian culture…

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Life Drawing – Monday Evenings 7.30-9.30pm – Autumn Term 9th Sept –  18th Nov  ( Half term 28th Oct ) Monday evenings 7.30-9.30 pm 10-week tutored course for £180 Life Drawing : Tutor: Debbi Sutton This is a friendly studio class with expert teaching. Debbi Sutton will introduce a variety of techniques and approaches to life drawing. Through this class you will improve your observational drawing skills, experience different approaches to drawing the human figure and be introduced to the work of other artists. Debbi Sutton is a practicing artist who believes that there is creativity within us all. She is a…

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10th Sept – 19th Nov Tuesdays 9.30 -12.30pm ( Half term 29th Oct) Lively daytime life drawing class at Creative Innovation Centre CIC. Learn to draw the human figure in this taught class. Tuesdays 9.30-12.30pm Learn something while having fun. Beginner or experienced artist, you can improve your skills in this friendly class. Artist, Debbi Sutton, will guide you to explore working with tone, line and form, to discover how the anatomy informs what we see and how the figure moves and how to draw hands. Debbi, explores a variety of approaches to drawing, some may be familiar and other…

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Printmaking Classes – 12th Sept- 21st Nov Thursday mornings 9.30 – 12.30 ( Half Term 31st Oct ) Explore print techniques and processes and develop an innovative portfolio of prints. Through various techniques, developed by tutor Adam Grose’s continual experimentation, we will explore various print processes, combining and innovating via ‘Monotype, Linocut, Woodcut, Dry-point, Zinc Etching, Block Printing, Lithography, Chine Colle and many more. These form part of Adam’s ‘transferable skills project’, enabling artists and learners to develop their interdisciplinary skills by combining two of more processes. Compliment your portfolio, build confidence and discover ways of seeing, through practice-based research…

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The Drawing Room – Thursdays 1-4pm 12th Sept -21st Nov ( Half term 31st Oct ) An introductory course for beginners and experienced alike who want to improve they’re drawing skills. Step by step tuition and top tips of how to construct a competent drawing using different mediums, pencil, graphite, ink, charcoal etc. The course has been designed by a number of very experienced professional artists, university tutors and commercial artists who are specialists in different drawing techniques. The tutor Keith Crocker takes you through a number of creative drawing process and builds up a portfolio of techniques over this…

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The workshops are on Fridays 9.30-12.30 at the Arts Hub Flook House , Taunton starting Sept 13th – Nov 22nd ( Half Term 1st Nov ) These classes have been designed for individuals who wish to draw, paint and cultivate their creative skills, either for leisure or to update their professional practice. Each session is carefully differentiated to build confidence through various starting points and exploring experimental ways of working. Delivered by an experienced art tutor who will introduce the group to a variety of techniques and assorted visual vocabulary, and offer support in developing specific interests and aspirations. Each member of…

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Print and mixed media workshops at the Arts Hub , Flook House – Friday afternoons 1-4pm Sept 13th – Nov 22nd ( Half term 1st Nov) Introduction Unlock your creative potential and embark on a transformative artistic journey with acclaimed painter and printmaker Adam Grose. Through a series of workshops, Adam invites you to explore the realms of creativity using phenomenological approaches to production. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced artist, these workshops offer a unique opportunity to expand your artistic horizons, pushing the boundaries of traditional printmaking and drawing, and delving into experimental mixed-media techniques. Join Adam…

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From Coast to Countryside Meet the Artists at the Public view evening – 6-9pm, Wed 11th Sept – FREE ENTRY Exhibition is open September 12th – October 5th 2024 Wed – Sat 10-4pm (Except Friday after 1pm ) Introduction West Somerset boasts some of the most beautiful landscape in the West of England. From its wide beaches and coastal fossilised forests to the steep ridges and deep wooded valleys of the Quantocks and Blackdown Hills, it is a rich home to a huge range of trees, wildflowers, invertebrates, birds and mammals. It’s magical. Over the last year, three local artists…

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The exhibition is open to the public from 6th – 23rd Nov, Wed – Sat 10.00am – 4.00pm (except Friday afternoons after 1pm). Free Entry. There will be a Public Viewing evening on Wed 6th Nov from 6-9pm when light refreshments will be available at the bar/café. The exhibition presents work from across our whole membership and shows the wide range of styles, interests, techniques and skill levels in the club. Taunton Camera Club is one of the premier clubs in the South West. It has been established for over fifty years and champions great photography across all genres. The…

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